Sunday School: 7 teachers & 60 scholars. Brother T.W. Shelton was the superintendent and T.F. Coleman the secretary. (1)
Association: For some reason unknown, decided to withdraw from the Greenville Association. (2)
The Second Building on Highway 25: The New Liberty members attended and worshipped the Lord faithfully in the building God blessed then with off the old Asheville Highway for 31 years, but time came for them to replace it with a new one. Richard F. "Dick" Stroud, a member at that time, donated the wood which was used to build it. A neighbor church, North Fork Baptist, gave Ne Liberty $4.25 to help with the cost. It was built in 1883 on the same site as the fist one which was torn down. It's the same building we worship in today.....the only difference is that it has since been remodeled. When first constructed, it was a white frame building with seven window, a door on each side, and double door at the front. Everyone was excited with the new building God bad blessed then with. It was the fourth building the church had since its beginning and the second on its present site. (2)
Earthquake: A terrible earthquake hit Charleston, SC. 100 people were killed as buildings toppled over them while they were running through the streets shouting, 'The end of the world has come!" Ancillary shocks were felt over two million square miles, meaning New Liberty members would have felt the earthquake, too. I wonder if they also thought the world was coming to its end? (2)
Membership: 12 Baptism & 171 members (1)
Association: Joined the North Greenville Association. (2)
Cemetery: The church opened its cemetery in 1888, with the fist burial being the body of Mrs. Alcie Kelly. The New Liberty Cemetary is an historic landmarkc of this area. Walking throught it is lke walking throuhg an old museum. Some of the graves are dated as many as a 100 years old. Most everday, the cemetary draws visitors from all around, visiting the resting places of deceased loved ones. Many of these folks give money to the church cemetray fund, which is used for its upkeep. One of New Liberty's former pastors is buried in the cemetery --Rev John A Dill. (2)
Membership: 62 males & 105 females for a total of 167. (1) New Liberty was reorganized in the annual meeting for its number of baptisms, which was 33 for the year. (2)
Finances: Pay Rev T, H. Garrettt $40.00 salary for the year (2)
Membership: 180 members (1)
Sunday School: 49 members with D.B. Nicall as superintendent And R.L. Neeves as secretary. (1)
Membership: 175 members (1)
Sunday School: There was 6 teachers and 40 scholars.
Membership: 173 members (1)
Membership: 192 members (1)
Sunday School: 77 members & D.H. Nicoll was superintended & Henry McKinney.(1)
Membership: 11 baptism, total members 204 (1)
Sunday School: 9 teachers and 112 scholars.; J.D McKinney was the superintendent (1)
Membership: Was a glorious year; 33 baptism; total members was 242 ! (1)
Sunday School: 9 teachers and 80 scholars. W.B. Henderson was the superintendent.
Finances: Church property was $700 and pastor, Rev Ben Turluck earned a salary of $62.25 for the year. $1.25 per week. (2)
Sunday School: 8 teachers and 57 scholars. C.B. McFee superintendent (1)