Membership: 180 (1)
Sunday School: 49 scholars; D.B. Nicoll as superintendent & R.L. Neeves the secretary. (1)
Pastor: Rev. T.H. Garrett served 1889-1890 (1)
Membership: 175 (1)
Sunday School: 40 scholars (1)
Finances: Total contributions for all causes was $ 37.36. (1)
Pastor: Rev. W.M. Pinson served 1891 (1)
Membership: 173 (1)
Finances: The pastor's annual salary was $ 28.00; contributions to the association was $ 2.48. Church property was valued at $ 800. This is the year of 'National Panic" when the value of the dollar fell to less than half of its value. Many people suffered during these days. Many were heart sore as they saw the value of their property shrink. A total of $30.73 was contributed for all causes.
Pastor: Rev. S. T. Dill served during the "Panic Years" from 1892-1893. (1)
Membership: 192 (1)
Sunday School: 77 scholars; D.B. Nicoll as superintendent & Henry McKinney as secretary (1)
Pastor: Rev. M.E. Smith (1)
Pastor: Rev. Marion Turner served as pastor. (1)
Membership: 11 baptisms; 204 (1)
Sunday School: 120 scholars; 9 teachers & officers; J.D. McKinney as superintendent.
Church Library: Contained 100 books. (2)
Pastor: Rev. Ben Truluck, that giant in the land, that popular speaker at many associational gatherings served as pastor. He proved well his calling and guided his flock in the ways of righteousness. He was called a "lover of truth" and a 'a great Gospel Preacher."
Pastor: It speaks well for the Church and the men she calls, for on serve occasions, the Church has re-called men as pastors who have served then in times past. Recalled J.M. Allen.
Membership: 33 baptisms; 242 (1)
Sunday School: 80 scholars & 9 teachers & officers
Finances: Church property was listed as $700. Pastor salary $62.25 and contribution in the Sunday School $6.60fir Home Missions. Contributed for al causes - $ 84.27. (1)
Discipline:The following is quoted form the Minutes of the North Greenville Baptist Association in 1898: 'We insist on the churches using strict discipline on any of their members who either drink, or are in any wise connected with the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors." (1)
Pastor: Recalled Ben Truluck. This was a great year in the history of New Liberty. God blessed in a wonderfully way. A great revival spirit prevailed in the hearts of the 33 souls were added to the church by baptism. (1)
Sunday School: 57 scholars and 8 officers & teachers. C.B. McFee was superintendent.
Pastor: Rev. R.B. Vaughn served as pastor. (1)