

William McKinley was our nation's President at the turn of the century, and NLBC was till growing numerically and spiritually.  This was the beginning of a new era, with the Civil War being now long past.  The times were beginning to advance.  The community now had telephones, and machines stared coming, too.  All kinds of machines were being invented to help workers do their jobs with more ease.  Some of these machines were cotton gins, saw mills, and grain mills.  Yes, times were looking up, but many of the NLBC members were sill using hand tools in their work for the simple reason that they were too poor to have such machines. And when the people plowed their files, they still used mules because tractors were not around at the that time. (2)

A fiery evangelist named Billy Sunday was preaching to millions all cross the country in the early 1900;s and NLBC pulpit was being filled filled by wonderful men of God. (2)

Everyone in the community knew each other.  All of the church members lived within a certain radius of each other, and they were like one big family.  That's a far cry from today when people come to church from miles away, and neighbors don't know each other. Times were hard in those days, but the people possessed love and togetherness.  My, how times have changed! (2)

Everyone in those days went to church.  The world didn't have as much to offer people back then, so being in the Lord's house on Sunday was the thing for everyone to do.  And there were a lot of children who attend.  The kids went to church because their parents made them go.  They were taught a young age to put God first absolute all things and all people......In those days, children did chores around the house and on the farm.  It wasn't easy, either;  they labored hard.  But children did have play time, too; it wasn't all work. (2)

Most of the families walked or rode horse and buggies to church, even in 1900, and in most cases, the children wore no shoes.  It was no an uncommon thing for children to attend church in overalls and bare feet.  In fact, Rev. Lewis McKinney, who would later serve as New Liberty's pastor from 1889-91, said he recalled attending this church in 1932 as a young boy.  He said he wore bib overalls, a straw hat, and walked several miles with his family to the church while in his bare feet. (2)

Those certainly were times when everyone was committed to the church and to their Lord.  They didn't have an air-conditioned building with padded pews, yet they never had a problem of packing the building full.  In the hot summers, the folks would fan away, with the window of the church opened, but they didn't complain.  It was a part of their generation; it was just the way it was, and by that time,the church was doing just fine. (2)


Membership:  245 members with 10 baptisms.  The Church stood fourth in size in the membership in the North Greenville Association. (1)

Sunday School:  57 scholars.  A.M. Taylor was superintendent. (1)

Discipline:  the practice of discipline prevailed also in the homes in the community.  Families required the children in the family to do some chores around the house and to attend the church services.  One of the tasks required of children of the day was sweeping the yards at least once a week. Most of the children despised this task. In the Fall of the year when the trees began shedding their leaves, this task was extremely tiresome.  Many parents disciplined their children by causing them to sweep the yards even more often than once a week.  On one Saturday when a certain young lady, the daughter of a member of the church, complained to her mother that she did not feel very well and thought that she would stay at home while the rest for the family attended the services. the mother realizing that her daughter was merely making an excuse to stay home, gave her a choice; she could either prepare herself and attend the church service that afternoon, or she wold have to sweep the years.  When the rest of the family gathered at the front door of the house, ready to go to church, the young lady was with them, ready to go also. (1)

Pastor:  Rev L.T. Weldon served as pastor from 1900-1903.  He was very evangelistic in his preaching; 23 were baptized into the fellowship.  He was a forceful preacher; she stated that when he preached, people sat up and took notice.  So powerful was his voice that children loved to hear him, yet they were a little afraid to go to sleep.  She thought of the Pilgrim fathers and their preachers when she heard Brother Weldon.  We was a strict disciplinarian. (1)

Rev Weldon was a strong voice and preached so loudly that everyone listened with very attentive ears.  Event he children loved his sermons..........In those days, many  churches had head knockers, and NLBC very well may have had them, too.  A head knocker was one who would sit up front and knock someone on the head with a long stick if he fill asleep in the service.  Perhaps Rev. Weldon used such discipline, I don't know, but it certainly could've been the case. (2)

WMU:  First Woman's Missionary Society in 1900, with Mrs. Ernest Talley the first president.  (2)


Membership:  250 members.  The Church experienced a great revival.  23 baptism.  (1)

Sunday School:  60 scholars & 7 teachers.  B.D. Nicol superintendent. (1)

Finances:  Church property was listed as $500.  Notice the depreciation from year to year.  The church building must have been in bad need of repair.  Money was still scarce,, and people put off as long as possible  any repairs.  In this year the Pastors' annual salary was raised to $ 80, and the contribution for all causes were $93.63. (1)

WMU:  Mrs Anna M. Nicol was president, and they had a total of six active members. (2)


Sunday School:  45 scholars & 4 teachers. A.M. Taylor superintendent.  (1)

Finances:  Contributions $106.27. (1)


Membership:  210 members.  "The grim reaper's year", for the church lost seven members by death.  18 baptism.  (1)

Sunday School:  55 scholars.  11 officers & teachers.  A.M. Taylor superintendent (1)  Those who know Brother A.M. Taylor speak well of him.  "He was earnest in his work, and zealous for his school.  His ambition was that every member of every church be a member of the Sunday School of that t church.  Very few can equal him in his ability to lead the Sunday School"' his friend said of him. Truly he was a man of God for his hour. (1)

Finances:  Sunday School contribution $6.50. (1)


Finances:  Sunday School contribution $4.00 to missions.  Total contribution $230.17.  The value of Church property was placed at $800 (1)

Pastor:  Rev. H.R. Chapman served as pastor.

The Stamey Family:  Rev H. R. Chapman became pastor just a few months after Wibur and Orville Wright invented airplane at Kitty Hawk, NC.  Theodore Roosevelt was our nations's President.  Rev Chapman was the 20th pasator in the church's new 46 year history.  This also was the year Mrs. Orrie Stamey Vaughan was born.......Her father was John Henry Stamey, III, and he was a great leader of NLBC.  He owned the propriety across the street from the church, which today is called "Stamey Valley".  (2)


Finances:  Contributions $208.65 (1)

Pastor:  Rev. A. E. Howard served from 1905 - 1908. Many of our older members remember well the years that Brother Howard served. He was well loved by his congregation, and he served his church and his Lord will.  He tried to keep in touch with his congregation though visiting them. (1)

It is said that in 1905, Mr Stamey donated some plots to his family from the northeast part of the church cemetery for burial, and most all of the Stamey family have since been buried on the corner. (2)


Finances:  This church contributed $2.65 for State Missions; $1.00 for minutes and expenses for the association clerk; $8.57 for foreign missions; $2.67 for Orphanage; $1.75 aged Ministers Fund; Incidentals, $4.00; and Pastors' salivary, $100.00.  The total contribution for all causes was $123.29.  Ten dollars was pledged toward Foreign Missions for the next year.  This is the fist year that any likeness to a budget could be found.  Value of Church property was listed at $900. (1)


Finances:  Contributions was $217.55 (1)


WMU:  No other reports of women's work could be found until the year 1908 when the report stated that the Women's Missionary Society was organized.  In this year Mrs. J.T. McKinney was president.  Her vision, wisdom, and zeal did much to lay a good foundation for the women's  work in the church.  Many of the members still continue to speak of her virtues, her capable leadership, her long suffering, and her prayers that meant much to the women for the church.  In this year there were 26 members in the Society an they had  a total contribution for the year of $ 16.00. (1)

Finances:  Total $215.36.  The WMU contributed $16.60.  This amount was divided between State, Home and Foreign Missions, Bible Fund, Margaret Fund, Training School, Orphanage, Benevolence, Home expenses, and Associational expenses. (1)


Pastor:  Rev. J.M. Culbertson served.


Pastor:  Rev T.E. Seago served. (1)


Membership:  13 baptism. (1)

WMU:  The Society had grown to 30 members with Mrs. McKinney continuing to serve as president.  They hold their monthly meetings on the first Saturday in each month.  Contributions $13.25.  There have been other noble women through the years who have helped in the great organization.  Two of them we would like to mention are Mrs. Ben Boswell and Mrs. H.L. Groom.  It is our understanding that Mrs.Groom was the instigator of the "Circle" idea in New Liberty and it was accepted with favor. (1)

Pastor:  Dean Crain served as pastor 1911-1912.  He was eminent price of the pulpit.  During his ministry the church building was renewed, and the spiritual atmosphere of both church an community was strengthened.  It is know that he led his church into a progressive program for the kingdom of the Lord, and many souls were added because of his efforts.  When re resigned in 1912 to leave the church and the association sometime later; it was said of him; 'We commend him as a man of keen intellect, warm heart, powerful in speech, humble in manner, and zealous and earners in the work of the Lord." (1)

Rev Crain was well known through the State Convention.  It has been said that he was a very gifted speaker and well sought out in those days. He served many churches in the early part of the century and was originally form the dark corner, which consisted the the Tigerville, Glassy Mountain, and Gowensville areas. He served NLBC for two years and eventually served Pendleton Street Baptist Church in Greenville for a number of years.  Rev Crain baptized many at NLBC in the old concrete pool in the wood behind eh  church,.  One baptized by him was a young Floyd McAuley, who would one day become New Liberty pastor. too. Also, under the leadership of Rev Crain, New Liberty was finally able to do the repairs the church had needed since 1901.  They completely refurbished eh building and because of that remodeling, the value of the property rose too $1800.  The members were saddened when the Lord called Dan Crain to move on, but they sent hi with this blessing: "We commend him as a man of keen intellect, warm heart, powerful in spirit, humble in manner, and zealous and earnest in work of the Lord." (2)


Pastor:  Rev. G.B. Lee served.from 1913-1917, though those tying days preceding WWI. Though his earnest preaching, many souls were added to the Kingdom. (1)

Rev Lee was an important man in NLBC history because he was the one the Lord used to counsel and assist all the families through the time of WWI.  They needed a good spiritual leader through that time, and Rev. Lee was the man.  Orrie Vaughan said she remembered singing a song in the church Christmas program of 1913.  She was nine years old, and here's the song:  Jolly old Santa Claus, lean your ear this way.  Don't you tell a single soul what I'm going to say.  All the stockings you will find, many in a row.  Mine will be the shortest one, you'll be sure to know.  Johnny wants a pair of skates, Susie wants a dolly.  Nellie wants a story book; she thinks doll's are folly.  As for me, my little brain,which is not very bright. Choose for me old Santa Claus, what you think is right." (2)

Orrie and her sisters sang together in those days and were called "The Stamey Sisters"  They sang at weddings, funeral,a and church services.  Her sisters were Ellen, Donia and Lula.  Ellen and Donia also played he organ in New Liberty services.  Orrie was he youngest and described herself as a tag along little girl. she said, "My sisters didn't want me to sing with them, but mama said she can sing as good as you."  This group stayed together until they all got married and moved away.  The pastor at that time was Rev S.W. Jolly.  Orrie remembered him fondly and spoke of him as bring a good man.  The Stamey family also kept up  the cemetery in the early twenties. One day when they all could get together, they'd gather their hand tools and spend all day cleaning it up.  Mrs. Vaughan moved away in 1926 and rejoined the church many years later. (2)


Pastor:  Rev. S.W. Jolly served from 1918-1920.  His sweet spirit enabled many parents to hear the brunt of their sons going away into service.  His own heart ached as he witnessed the agony in the faces of his membership, longing for those they had went away and praying for their safety. (1) 

An interesting item happened during the ministry of Rev S.W. Jolly at this church.   Many of the men of the church walk in, be seated for a while, and then walk out.  This happened many many times during the course of the service.  During a revival meeting, the visiting evangelist became disturbed about it an called attention to the fact that only children needed to be going in and out.  If the men continued their practice, they would be considered as children.  This slowed parade for that service; but the next evening there appeared some men who did not attend the night before.  When the service started, they entered the building and sat near the front. As the evangelist list was beginning his text, two men walked out. The evangelist looked at he pastor, the pastor looked at the evangelist, and the congregation snickered!  The two preacher could hardly retain their mirth!  However, the innocent man didn't realize that they were being considered as children.  A serious situation developed into something funny- but it cured the men from parading in and out of the building. (1)


This was a great time for New Liberty, but also a difficult time.  The country was gong thorough the famous Great Depression, and many of New Liberty's members were having a really hard time, Many in the community sill farmed, and that certainly wasn't easy either. Yes, it was a hard time, but the folks loved the Lord and were truly dedicated to their church. The Lord was blessing, and New Liberty was still prospering as a great church of God. (2)

Pastor:  Brother R.C. Sullivan served as pastor from 1921-1923.  Many remember him for his humility in service. (1)


Pastor:  Rev J.D. Brown served from 1924-1926.